Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolutions 2011? wish is to be a kid again.... i believe there is always a kid in each of us. 

  1. stay up past bedtime
  2. take my shower until mom yells
  3. play favorite song repeated until it annoys everyone @ home
  4. run around the playground daily
  5. kissing a frog and hoping he turns into prince charming *wink*
  6. get drenched in rain showers
  7. fuss with my cat
  8. get mom to drive more
  9. have one day of the week for *do completely nothing day*
  10. argue often with sister (this is how i spread my love)
  11. sing loud in the bathroom
  12. have mommy to read you bed time story
  13. talk less and do more
  14. pack breakfast with family and eat at parks on Sunday
  15. emphasize the importance of education to children
  16. spread the LOVE
  17. appreciate things around me
  18. walk barefoot on wet grass
  19. last but not least LOVE my mom more everyday & STOP trying to be right with her