Saturday, September 10, 2011

lingering thoughts

the weekend has been slow. i love that. i dread working for someone else but the pay checks are good ;) i wish i was a child again. i don't have to work and grow up. it was just years back, i was a student. enjoying the baby i once was. all good times. not a worry on my mind. those years flew so quickly. but now i merely miss that warmth as a kid. now in between preparing for my big day and becoming an auntie soon, i've realized how far i've come.

so i've learnt to fly, but how far would i want to fly? in months things would change even more. i'd be shouldering more responsibilities, ever changing perspective and growing even stronger wings and learning to fly higher. but that feeling returns every time, just wanting to be a kid again. it never dies, the feeling. 

life is a cycle; we would all conceal the pain beneath the pride. not that i'm proud of anything but that is how ironic lives we lead.

maybe being sick is taking a toll on me. the doctor said i could be asthmatic given that my phlegm doesn't seem to subside. if it continues until next week, i'll have no choice but to get admitted.

tomorrow is another day, another sunshine!

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