Wednesday, September 14, 2011

window of vulnerability

stray thoughts floats. body unable to do anything beside lie on my comfy bed. plenty of medicine which alters my routine bodily function. a few medical leaves. piled up office work left on my table waiting for my return. parched lips and dried respiratory tract, teary eyes, chesty cough
i have become guinea pig to doctors to test antibiotics. Tested with 3 types of antibiotics in one week.... :( there's lack of ethical prescribing. 5 doctors with same symptoms but with different sets of medication. the best part, they would each belittle the other doctor. 
they performed a scope through my nostrils, i wonder how i co-operated. normally i don't! i guess at desperate times calls for desperate measures. 

i am tired. i am exhausted. all i can think of is being well. 

tomorrow is another day, another deception 

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